How or where did you first hear about us? For most of our clients, the answer to this question is word of mouth by other homeowners who have utilized our services. The next reply is usually that they passed one of our projects that was going up and dialed the number on our sign near the project.
We are sometimes asked what we have done for marketing over the years. The answers are pretty simple, but not always easy to accomplish:
1. We do our best to serve our current customers well
If our best marketing is done by word of mouth, then serving our customers as best as we can is the #1 way to ensure that the “word” being spread about us is true… and deserved.
2. We place a simple sign, which contains our contacts, in front of projects during the construction phase.
We’ve never had a billboard, a commercial, or even a pamphlet created to advertise CMD. It’s just always seemed that placing our contacts right in front of the projects we designed made sense. Giving those observing a chance to watch the process in action and offering an easy way to contact us is a nonintrusive way to let them know who we are and let them choose if they want our help.
By the way, that idea has worked all these 20 years! Our philosophy about business is the same as ours about life: do the job you are entrusted with diligently, and let God take care of the rest. He has always been faithful to do just that!
Article was written by Maren Carpenter